sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008

Geanialidades varias cap 3

Brothers in arms, Dire Straits.

These mist covered mountains

Are a home now for me
But my home is the lowlands
And always will be
Some day you'll return to
Your valleys and your farms
And you'll no longer burn
To be brothers in arm

Through these fields of destruction
Baptism of fire
I've watched all your suffering
As the battles raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms
There's so many different worlds

So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones...

Private investigations, Dire Straits.

It's a mystery to me - the game commences
for the usual fee - plus expenses
confidential information - contained in a diary
this is my investigation - not a public inquiry
I go checking out the reports - digging up the dirt
you get to meet all sorts in this line of work
treachery and treason - there's always an excuse for it
and when I find the reason I still can't get used to it
And what have you got at the end of the day?
what have you got to take away?
a bottle of whisky and a new set of lies
blinds on the windows and a pain behind the eyes
Scarred for life - no compensation
private investigations.

On the turning away
, Pìnk Floyd.

On the turning away

from the pale and downtrodden
and the words they say
wich we won't understand
" don't accept that what's happening
is just a case of others' suffering
or you'll find that you're joining in
the turning away"

It's a sin that somehow
light is changing to shadow
and casting it's shroud
over all we have known
unaware how the ranks have grown
driven on by a heart of stone
we could find that we're all alone
in the dream of the proud

Genialidades varias cap 2

Us and Them, Pink Floyd.

Black and Blue
And who knows which is which and who is who
Up and Down
And in the end it's only round
and round and round
Haven't you heard it's a battle of words
the poster bearer cried
Listen son, said the man with the gun
There's room for you inside
Down and Out
It can't be helped but
there's a lot of it about
With, without
And who'll deny that's what
the fightings all about
Get out of the way, it's a busy day
And I've got things on my mind
For want of the price of tea and a slice
The old man died.

Vera, Pink Floyd.

Does anybody here

remember Vera Lynn?
Remember how she said,
That we would meet again,
Some sunny day.
What has become of you?
Does anybody else in here
feel the way I do?

Algún lugar, Medina Azahara.

Siento que mi mente va a estallar

necesito estar cerca de tí,
quiero escapar una vez más
sentir la libertad y ser feliz.
Juntos como uno, caminar
tenemos tantas cosas que vivir,
sentir la brisa fría junto al mar
que nuestro mundo no tenga final.
Yo se de un lugar, donde la libertad
la hacemos con tu forma de soñar.
Yo se de un lugar, donde acariciar
el viento que aquí no puedes tocar.
Quiero ser lluvia y mojar tu piel
despertar del sueño junto a tí,
ser la flor que perfuma tu ser,
que en la tormenta te acerques a mi...

sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2008


Ha llegado la inspiración y un sms... todo de golpe.
Que estresante... pero de buen rollo :D jejejejeje.

Azotes ^^

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2008

Esperando la inspiración...


Locos S.L, como portavoz de esta empresa, llamo a todos los locos del mundo para que se presenten el lunes de la semana que viene, a partir de las 8 de la tarde en nuestra sede central en Atarfe. Allí todos seremos participes en la Noche Azul. Es imprescindible acudir con ropa de los siguientes colores: negra y blanca las chicas, azul y verde los chicos. Todos los locos que asistan tienen que estar dispuestos a dejarse llevar. Ademas de todo esto seria comveniente que no tuvieran prisa por irse, habra tres sesiones de dos horas cada una. Las sesiones no se podran interrumpir por respeto a nuestros compañeros, si las sesiones se alargan no habra problema en quedarse habra alojamiento y comida para quienes asi lo necesiten. Si alguno de los presentes imcumple una de las normas antes mencionadas sera expulsado inmediantamente.
Esperemos encontrar la inpiracion en la Noche Azul y si no es asi por lo menos un poco de tranquilidad, desconectar, volar...

Con un cordial saludo y unos azotes: